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SÍM Residency: ...CIER


þriðjudagur, 18. mars 2025

SÍM Residency: ...CIER

Hjartanlega velkomin á opnun sýningarinnar “…CIER” í sýningarsal SÍM á Hlöðuloftinu, Korpúlfsstöðum. Boðið verður upp á léttar veitingar, og allir eru velkomnir.

Sýningin sameinar sjö verk listamanna frá Norðurlöndum og Eystrasaltsríkjunum, sem tóku þátt í tveggja mánaða vinnustofu hjá SÍM með styrk frá Nordic-Baltic Mobility Programme for Culture. Sýningin er fremur augnablik samruna en endanleg niðurstaða – verkin eru enn í þróun og mynda samtal sem nær langt út fyrir sýningarrýmið.

Með myndbandsverkum, hljóðuppsetningum og flutningi skoðar „...CIER“ hvernig drifkraftur okkar til að kanna, skilja og sýna heiminn getur einnig flýtt fyrir eyðileggingu landslagsins sem við leitumst til að vernda.

Sýningaropnun 22. mars kl. 16–18

Urtė Groblytė
Linda Boļšakova
Aistė Ambrazevičiūtė
Heidi Holmström
Marit Mihklepp
Calvin Guillot
Taavi Suisalu

Sunna Dagsdóttir
Framkvæmdastjóri SÍM Residency:
Martynas Petreikis

23 mars 18–20
24 mars lokað
25 mars 18–20
26 mars 18–20
27 mars 20–seint

Staðsetning: Sýningarrými SÍM Hlöðuloftið, Thorsvegi 1, 112 Reykjavík (inngangur upp rampinn).

Með stuðningi frá Nordic-Baltic Mobility Program for Culture @nordiskkulturkontakt


Join us this Saturday at SÍM Hlöðuloftið in Korpúlfsstaðir for the opening of the group exhibition “…CIER”.

Bringing together seven works by Nordic-Baltic artists, this thematic exhibition explores the complex and often contradictory relationship between human curiosity, artistic exploration, and the rapid retreat of glaciers. Through video works, sound installations, and performance, “…CIER” examines how our drive to explore, understand, and depict the world can also accelerate the destruction of the very landscapes we seek to immortalize.

Yet, the thaw not only marks loss but also uncovers new worlds, microbial life, long-buried histories, and evolving ecosystems that challenge our understanding of resilience and transformation. Rather than presenting works about glaciers, the exhibition engages with them, approaching ice, water, and melt as both material and metaphor in an embodied and critical manner. It traces the various ways in which artistic practice can deepen our relationship with the non-human world, while also acknowledging the grief and difficult emotions that come with ecological loss.

Emerging from the two-month residency, “…CIER” is a moment of convergence rather than conclusion. The works presented remain in process, offering an ongoing dialogue that will extend beyond this space into future projects and explorations.

Exhibition opening 22 March 4–6pm

Opening Hours:
23 March 6–8pm
24 March closed
25 March 6–8pm
26 March 6–8pm
27 March 8pm–late

Urtė Groblytė @terrrpsichore
Linda Boļšakova @linda_bolsakova
Aistė Ambrazevičiūtė @aiste_ambrazeviciute
Heidi Holmström @_heidi_____phiuh
Marit Mihklepp @maritmihklepp
Calvin Guillot @cgxatla
Taavi Suisalu @taavisuisalu

Sunna Dagsdóttir @sunnadags

Residency Director:
Martynas Petreikis

Location: SÍM Hlöðuloftið exhibition space, Thorsvegur 1, 112 Reykjavík (entrance up the ramp)

Residency funded by: Nordic-Baltic Mobility Programme for Culture @nordiskkulturkontakt

Bildschirmfoto 2021-05-08 um
Bildschirmfoto 2021-05-08 um
Bildschirmfoto 2021-05-08 um
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