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SÍM Gallery: “Echoes of Creation: Dialogues Across Borders”


fimmtudagur, 23. janúar 2025

SÍM Gallery: “Echoes of Creation: Dialogues Across Borders”

Það er sönn ánægja SÍM Residency að bjóða þér á samsýninguna “Echoes of Creation: Dialogues Across Borders” í SÍM Gallery, Hafnarstræti 16, 101 Reykjavík. Opnun sýningarinnar er laugardaginn 25 janúar, 2025 frá kl.14:00 til 17:00, og sýningin stendur yfir til sunnudagsins 26 Janúar frá kl.13:00 til 18:00.

Á sýningunni eru verk eftir alþjóðlega listamenn sem starfað hafa í gestavinnustofum SÍM í Janúar 2025. Listamennirnir hafa fjölbreyttan bakgrunn og ólíka nálgun í listiðkun sinni, sem ofið er saman í spennandi vef margskonar miðla og ólíkra sjónarhorna. Síðasta mánuð, eða jafnvel lengur hafa þeir sökkt sér djúpt í listrænar rannsóknir, sem leitt hafa af sér sameiginlega könnun á hugsun og formi.

“Echoes of Creation: Dialogues Across Borders” sameinar einstakar raddir listamannanna og endurspeglar þemun viðkvæmni, umbreytingu og möguleika. Verkin sem eru til sýnis skora á hefðbundnar frásagnir–hvort sem þau kanna samband mannkyns við tímann, endurskoða uppbygging samfélagsins, eða að takast á við ógn vistfræðilegrar kreppu. Sýningin er ekki einungis útkoma listamanna gestavinnustofanna, hún er líka boð um að taka þátt í stærra samtali um sameiginlega framtíð okkar.
“Echoes of Creation: Dialogues Across Borders”

SÍM Residency is delighted to invite you to the group exhibition “Echoes of Creation: Dialogues Across Borders” at SÍM Gallery, Hafnarstræti 16, 101 Reykjavík. The exhibition opens on Saturday, January 25th, 2025, from 2:00 PM to 5:00 PM, and will remain open on Sunday, January 26th, from 1:00 PM to 6:00 PM.

This exhibition showcases the work of international artists who have participated in the SÍM Residency artist-in-residence program for January 2025. The artists come from diverse cultural backgrounds and artistic practices, bringing together a rich tapestry of mediums and perspectives. Over the course of the past month—or longer—they have immersed themselves in their creative research, culminating in this collective exploration of thought and form.

“Echoes of Creation: Dialogues Across Borders” brings together these unique artistic voices to reflect on themes of fragility, transformation, and possibility. The exhibited works challenge conventional narratives—whether examining humanity’s transient relationship with time, reimagining societal structures, or addressing urgent ecological crises. This exhibition is not only a culmination of the artists’ residencies but also an invitation to engage in a broader dialogue about our shared future.

Featured Artists and Works:

Marcel Tarelkin (he/him) – DE
Tarelkin's work contemplates the impermanence of existence. Through evocative installations, he confronts the reality that all things—whether built, loved, or remembered—inevitably succumb to time. For Tarelkin, transience is not a poetic abstraction but a stark fact, an indifference of nature that neither mourns nor celebrates. His work offers clarity in its acceptance, urging viewers to grapple with the fragility of their own constructs.

Jasper van Alderwegen (he/they) – CA
Davison’s paintings reimagine heraldic symbols as vessels for utopian ideals. Each piece begins with the familiar form of an escutcheon, which then evolves through spontaneous graphite and oil painting. Representations of maple leaves—iconic in Canadian heraldry—are deconstructed and recontextualized, often floating or sinking within abstract ecosystems of color and form. Drawing inspiration from English gardens, Davison’s compositions evoke harmony within haphazardness, challenging traditional notions of order and sovereignty. These works invite viewers to dream of alternative ways of organizing society, imbued with beauty and fluidity.

Noah Thor Alhalel (he/him) – IS/PE
“Fragile Oceans”
Alhalel’s glass sculptures explore the dire consequences of ocean acidification. Shaped like eroding shells, these delicate forms symbolize the vulnerability of marine ecosystems in the face of rising CO2 levels and declining pH levels. Using material experimentation, including acid treatments that alter texture and color, Alhalel captures the invisible devastation wrought on calcifying organisms such as corals and shells. His work bridges scientific understanding and emotional resonance, serving as a poignant reminder of humanity’s impact on the natural world.

We warmly welcome you to join us at SÍM Gallery and immerse yourself in this inspiring confluence of global perspectives and artistic expressions.
Poster by - Svala Louise Vera Leaman @aromaloptics

Bildschirmfoto 2021-05-08 um
Bildschirmfoto 2021-05-08 um
Bildschirmfoto 2021-05-08 um
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