Call for Issue 2 of Landing

fimmtudagur, 20. mars 2025
Call for Issue 2 of Landing
The second issue of Landing invites propositions to convene around lingering and documentation as forms of archiving.
Landing accepts proposals in the form of expressions of interest [not abstracts] that detail how a process that is in motion might be communicated. Expressions of interest, once developed into contributions, are evaluated and accepted or sent forward to peer review.
We welcome contributions that present a lucid fit between the artistic research inquiry and the form of a printed journal. A thoughtful blend of open questions, photo series, instructions, recipes, workshop plans, descriptions of processes, interviews / transcriptions of focused dialogue and anecdotes as expressed in image / text / caption etc. In short, elaborations that reveal the “kitchen” behind the research (the meal).
This is a methods based journal, and we are interested in process, the doing side of things and not theoretical analysis. Contributions invited and accepted after the expression of interest phase should not exceed 3000 words. Issue 2 does not publish Research Catalogue expositions.
For the expression of interest, using a maximum 2-page PDF document, send us a 500 word description with images / illustrations as required that includes the following points.
- The context of your practice / research
- Form of contribution and why it’s a good fit with your inquiry
- Details of methods you wish to communicate about
- Pertinent questions, doubts and main arguments
Please express interest in contributing to ‘Twenty Second Reverb’ via this form: by 26th March 2025.
The Landing editorial team closely reads all selected contributions throughout each stage of the process and maintains close contact with authors during this process.
Details of our aspirational criteria, the most recent peer review template as well as our current working protocol are available HERE:
Landing is supported by an advisory board of recognised researchers in the arts including: Ruth Anderwald + Leonhard Grond, Dr Arnas Anskaitis (Vilnius Academy of Arts), Bjarki Bragasson (Head of Fine Art at Iceland University of the Arts / Listaháskóli Íslands), Dr. Kieron Broadhurst (Curtin University), Dr Julija Fomina (Vilnius Academy of the Arts), Dr. Nina Liebenberg (UniArts Helsinki), Dr Vytautas Michelkevičius (Vilnius Academy of Arts), Mantas Lesauskas (Vilnius Academy of Arts), Dr. Marquard Smith (Journal of Visual Culture), Bryndís Snæbjörnsdóttir and Mark Wilson (Iceland University of the Arts / Listaháskóli Íslands), Dr. Rūta Spelskytė (Vilnius Academy of Arts), Dr Ash Tower (Adelaide School of Art).
For more information, please visit