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Lög í lokuðu rými - Guðrún Nielsen

lau., 02. júl.


SÍM Gallerý

Sýning Guðrúnar Nielsen ,,LÖG Í LOKUÐU RÝMI" opnar laugardaginn 2. júlí í SÍM Gallery milli 14 og 18. Sýningin stendur frá 2. - 29. júlí. Opið virka daga milli 12 og 16

Lög í lokuðu rými - Guðrún Nielsen
Lög í lokuðu rými - Guðrún Nielsen

Dagsetning & tími

02. júl. 2022, 14:00 – 29. júl. 2022, 18:00

SÍM Gallerý, Hafnarstræti 16, 101 Reykjavík, Iceland

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Lög í lokuðu rými - Guðrún Nielsen

Sýning Guðrúnar Nielsen ,,LÖG Í LOKUÐU RÝMI" opnar laugardaginn 2. júlí í SÍM Gallery milli 14 og 18.

Sýningin stendur frá 2. - 29. júlí.

Opið virka daga milli 12 og 16


Skúlptúrinn Layers var upphaflega hannaður af Guðrúnu fyrir Norræna sýningu í London 2015. Form verksins enduróma geometríu glugga jarðhæðar Dora House, höfuðstöðvar Royal Society of Sculptors þar í borg. Gamlar litlausar glerplötur glugganna eru eins og útreiknuð, sí-endurtekin teikning tveggja ólíkra forma með sínum svörtu blý-strengjum, sem samtímis aðskilja eða halda glerjunum saman. Þau enduróma sem eitt 312 lög Layers. Módel Guðrúnar í SÍM salnum af þessu staðtengda verki skúlptúrgarðs RSS samanstendur af átta geómetrískum, 39 laga svörtum turnum. Efni, áferð og uppbygging verksins endurspeglar japönsk áhrif og þar vísar Guðrún í hugtakið Borrowed Scenery. Yfirstærðarverkið ‘Layers II’ endurspeglar og aðskilur endurtekið form Layers en sjónræn áhrif þess og tilvitnanir verða hluti af heildarmynd gólfverksins þar sem tveir hálfgegnsæir svartir veggir stýra hreyfingu og upplifun utanaðkomandi með staðsetningu þeirra á afmörkuðum gólffleti rýmisins. Verkin eru gerð 2022 og eru viðbót við Japan seríu Guðrúnar 2005-2022  


The site-specific sculpture ‘Layers’ was originally designed by Gudrun for a Nordic Exhibition in London 2015. The sculpture´s form in plan echoes the geometrical forms in the ground floor windows of Dora House, the Royal Society of Sculptors headquarters in London. The partly see-through glass panels that form the ground floor five windows bring to mind a simple but calculated drawing of the black lead holding the panels apart or together. Layers first came to be realised by Gudrun this year as a much smaller version of the original idea. As well on show is the over life size sculpture Layers II, a detailed version of Layers repeated form. ‘Layers’, a tabletop sculpture of the original design, is made up of eight towers in a four-part set, containing 312 repeated single form, from Dora House lead glass panels. It is an expression and an echo of the simple geometry of the rectangle and trapezoid cut-out panels. In Layers Gudrun uses plywood and black dye, a common material in some of her earlier sculptures. The edges of the horizontal layers are like a black line drawing a reference to the leaded glass panels and by looking between the layers one can find a constantly changing scenery. The over life size sculpture ‘Layers II’ reflects on the repeated form of Layers. It is an echo of the geometrical forms and the visual effect of the previously mentioned stained glass in Dora House. As M.Þ.Andrésson mentioned about Gudrun´s earlier work, “Nielsen contests this detached association of the known with the new. Drawing on geometry and reflecting on Japanese aesthetics, she develops ways to reinvigorate attentiveness”. With the introduction of high walls with its narrow pathway in the gallery space, “the viewer's movements and experience are momentarily choreographed”. Therefore, Gudrun has carried through, and expanded upon, a feature of an earlier work to the piece discussed here.  


The calculated black line drawings that are co-exhibited with ‘Layers’ are closely linked to the strict geometrical forms of the sculpture and also to each other. The black and white acrylic paintings reflect on and refer to the surface of Layers II and the idea behind the work with its cladded walls, the chaotic and circumstance block-out in their expression. An execution that is rarely seen in Gudrun's paintings. Though the order of straight and horizontal lines can be spotted.


Gudrun Nielsen's earlier sculptures are often large-scale, site-specific, made for public or private places. Her style has been described by Aðalsteinn Ingólfsson as modernist-based formalism with minimalist overtones, the second aspect being the Japan factor. Gudrun graduated as a sculptor from The Icelandic College of Art and Crafts 1989, from Chelsea College of Art and Design London 1992 in Mural Design and with an MA in Art in Architecture from University of East London 1995. Gudrun has exhibited extensively internationally with over 80 solo and group exhibitions on her record. Most in the UK but as well in Sweden, France, Germany, Spain, Italy, Guernsey and Iceland. She is a winner of numerous sculpture awards in England including an international award in an open sculpture competition. She has represented the UK overseas and is an elected Fellow of The Royal Society of Sculptors and a former Council Member of the Society. She is a member of the Reykjavík Sculptors Society, The Association of Icelandic Visual Artists and Sculpture Network, Germany. For the majority of Gudrun´s artistic career she has worked in Britain where some of her artwork is permanently installed.

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